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Sunday, October 27, 2019

My True Nature

When I have a sense of awareness of my body and my thoughts it seems to prevent me from becoming conscious of my true nature. True nature is spoken of by Gurdjieff and Mooji as the silent and unchanging isness that exists in all of us. 

I know that my true nature, unlike my body and mind is not temporary. My body and thoughts are always changing but not my true nature. My true nature is beyond consciousness; it is not consciousness, but more like a knowing of permanent existence. 

So, I sat down and simply put all of my focus on the inside of my body; in the middle of my chest where some people call the "heart center." In a few minutes or so, it was as though that area of my body was expanding. The space kept getting bigger and bigger - that's the best way I can describe it. 

It was as though my being was becoming the universe. It sounds absurd but that's how it was. And there were no thoughts; just a feeling of completeness and serenity. Each time I do this, the same thing happens. And the good thing is, it's not difficult to do. 

So, I guess this is what Gurdjieff and Mooji meant by our "true nature" or "isness."

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