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Sunday, November 10, 2013

The "I," the "My" and the "Me."

Sometimes it's strange to be
thinking, thinking, and thinking in threes -
the "I," the "My" and the "Me." 

I sit and focus on the breath
but things come up 
like birth and death.

What can I do, where can I go
to put an end 
to this ceaseless flow?

It's not the mind that is the stinker.
It's the idea that I am the one
who is the thinker.

Get rid of the "I" and the "My"
and there will be no "Me."
And then the thoughts will say good bye.

But yet my mind says to me,
"Without the "I" you cannot be.
And without "Me" I will die."

The question is -
Who is "I"
and what is the "Me?"

So, here someone sits
with the who and the what,
the "I," the "My" and the "Me."


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