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Sunday, April 13, 2014

Pure Awareness

Practicing yoga, meditation, and mindfulness is good stuff but nothing like being in pure awareness.  Being in pure awareness is not in the mind nor in the body; pure awareness is experiencing everything as one.  Usually when people speak of being aware they are referring to a lower realm of experience than what I am talking about here.  

Awareness and mindfulness to most people means paying attention to what's going on around them and within them.  Pure awareness is beyond this.  Pure awareness is wider and deeper than any other experience you can possible have.  Pure awareness is a sense of everything without mental content.  It is when object and subject merge into universal awareness excluding nothing, so that there is no separation between anything.  To put is succinctly pure awareness is a state of non-duality. 

In truth, there is no duality anywhere because everything is the truth just the way it is right now at this very moment.  The saying that "You can't see the forest for the trees" applies in this case.  The truth lies before you but you don't recognize it because objects keep getting in the way.  The objects are the truth just as the trees are the forest.  When you are able to realize, without thinking, that all things exist as one and not as separate things, you will experience total and unadulterated awareness.

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