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Thursday, May 10, 2012

Is it Possible to Cultivate Permanent Mindfulness?

Can mindfulness be permanent and everlasting?  The answer is yes because mindfulness is the present moment and the present moment is always permanent no matter what.  Think of it - the only thing that is permanent is the present moment.  Everything else is unstable and impermanent.  The earth, the stars, everything in the universe is changing.  But right now, at this very moment, there is complete and absolute stability.  Don't you see? 

The only reason you don't stay in the present moment is because of the mind.  Your body is in the present moment but your mind wanders from the past to future.  When you keep your mind with your body, you, the total you, will be in the present moment.  Try it. 

When you are in the present moment there is no past and no future - only Now.  And the present moment is unchanging, therefore it is permanent.  There is no permanence, however, when you compare past and present, present and future, or past and future. Also, there is no permanence when you dwell in the past and/or the future.

Simply through the act of thinking, you alter, influence, and even create your own world.  Werner Heisenberg showed this to be true in the1920's with quantum physics.  Your reality depends upon what you have decided it to be.  What you experience and subjectively think about the event with which you observed and possible interacted creates your reality.  You as the observer of your experience, choose how the experience is experienced.  For example, if you see someone you know down the isle in a grocery store, wave at them and they look away, you might create any number of thoughts: (1) "He didn't see me," (2) "He doesn't like me," (3) "It was somebody else," (4) He's a snob."  The more times the same event happens, the stronger the belief and therefore the stronger the reality.
Thoughts and beliefs determine how you see the world.  If you believe that all millionaires are greedy, then all millionaires are greedy. If you believe the world is in a terrible situation, the world is in a terrible situation.  My point is, thinking and believing are what make your own reality.  And thinking is usually focused on the past and the future.  "The world used to be that way, now it's this way and in the future it's going to be that way."  You are comparing the past with the future so there is no permanence. 

By stilling the mind and focusing on the present moment, impermanence immediately disappears.  You can remain in the moment and mindful even if you are deciding what to wear at a party tomorrow night as long as you understand that you are thinking and acting in the present moment.  The chore comes with staying in the present moment.
Remember, everything is already in the present moment except for the out-of-moment mind.  With practice, patience, and persistence the thinking mind will stay longer and longer in mindfulness.  Only a few people will ever achieve the ever-present mind but that doesn't mean you cannot.  Those who give up will never be permanently mindful - only those who persivere.



Unknown said...

About the question "Is it Possible to Cultivate Permanent Mindfulness?", is there any technique you know to create the continous mental state without letting any thought break it? Say for a long time, 1 complete day or a complete week?
Thank you,

Unknown said...

Yes it is possible, because it is not the thought that breaks the mindfulness, only the experience of you breaking into 'pieces'.
The feeling of that this is not good, this is not where i want to be.. But the moment you accept that you are like wood, you need to burn into pieces before you can remain like the pure form there is no problem with smoke and fire in your head.. its unpleasant YES its scary YES its annoying YES its fucked up YES. Accept the truth of your feelings..]
In real life wood burns like this ( this is the way it is not a fantasy)
The more mindfull you become, the hotter the fire that burns inside. but also the closer you come to a pure carbon state..
If you keep going, in the end you glow for the world.. and when your coal is fired up you return to ashes.
When you return to ashes, you need to trust that your warmth have spread over the world and it will continue doing the same process you have fulfilled.
You are a being of warmth and love, remember that this is your end goal. You take up your role as a mother or father for the world.
The self that bothers you die in the proces of burning the wood, thats the smoke and fire.. its your hurt and anger about that nobody in ''reality'' gave you enough presence of love and tenderness. A presence of eternal stillness. the fabric of life.

The technique is watch how a good mother parents her child with care and tenderness. this is the way you need to treat your whole being, feelings, thoughts, action. Do not NEVER judge yourself, because reality is no thing is judging you.. for whatever thoughts or emotions you have. Just look around, do you see someone judging your actions? and i mean Life, is life judging you? or is that people from the past or present..

It can take years, just like raising a child take years, this is the way it is.

In real life nothing is still ( it is in balance that creates the stillness ) a good reference point is burning wood.

in the beginning it will evolve like this.

Wood and Fire
Fire and Smoke
Fire and Coal And Smoke
Coal and Smoke

Only the last 2 phases give stillness. The Coal stage is you being all that you can be for the world.
Love and tenderness you can direct at any stage.. just like Oxygen. You are your own burning flame.
This will keep your fire burning, the more love your direct to yourself and others, the hotter your flame burns.
You need to use your ''bad'' emotions as fuel for you own warmth. You have stuffed your energy in wood or charcoal in your mind.
Now its the time to use it up. Burn it and stay with it, it will keep you warm and will give you a good time. Take something to eat with it, to drink and watch the poison evaporate in thoughts and feelings.
Who does not like a good fire? haha I do!

Every time your burn your wood ( emotions , thoughts )
You do a ritual like this..

Good luck, and ask your inner mommy for help. She will care for you. but i mean really ask her!
You can shout out to her, don't be silly that she does not know how hurt you are. She is watching you all your life.
Become like her.. Ask her how to make you like yourself..

Unknown said...

Where can I go to learn this