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Thursday, September 26, 2019

The Wise Advocate

Negative thinking and negative emotions over an extended period of time can play havoc with the body's entire systems. Illnesses can occur due to the build up of stress hormones that perpetuate themselves throughout the entire nervous, cardiovascular, skeletal, digestive, muscular, endocrine, lymphatic, respiratory and reproductive systems.

Focusing on deceptive brain messages without awareness will only get you into trouble. Awareness is the gateway to seeing the fallacy of the negative thoughts and to making new, healthy connections in the brain.

Trying to get rid of negative thinking by thinking of something else doesn't work, it only buries them in the body where they unconsciously fester and grow into monsters. We must deal with them by being totally aware of them, acknowledging them and accept them for what they are; negative thoughts.

As mentioned in the previous post there are four steps that work very well when dealing with negative thoughts. They are: 1) recognize them, 2) label them, 3) do something constructive and 4) develop a Wise Advocate.  We talked about the first three, now we need to to talk about the fourth step of developing a Wise Advocate.

A Wise Advocate is someone or something that you admire as strong, wise and friendly.  It might be someone like your mother, grandmother, teacher or close friend. It may be Jesus, Buddha, Brahman or God.  Choose your Wise Advocate and when the deceptive negative thoughts occur, and you want to act on them, call on your Wise Advocate and have them talk to you.  Your Wise Advocate may say things like - "I see you are having negative thoughts again.  Are you sure what you are about to do is the wisest thing ?  You know it is just a negative thought don't you? It might be better to wait this thing out and see if there aren't better answers to this situation."

You will get better by accepting that the feelings will still be there but that is a false message with no real meaning. Accept that these thoughts and feelings are not who you truly are. Without this kind of acceptance, you will be stuck in a futile and endless loop, trying to make the negative thoughts go away, rather than charting a new course for yourself based on your true goals and values.

More vital information on the next post.  Have a wonderful day.

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