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Saturday, September 28, 2019

Turn your negative thoughts and emotions into positive ones

Turn your negative thoughts and emotions into positive ones by following the four steps that have been outlined below. 

Just a few last words before going on to the next vital post.  Don't try to over analyze what your mind is telling you, because it will only make things worse. Once you become aware that you are having deceptive brain messages you have succeeded with step one. Then go on to step two immediately.

If you over analyze the deceptive brain messages it will hard wire your brain's system and reinforce the path toward more deceptive brain messages. Label the negative thoughts (deceptive brain messages), do something constructive, and then listen to your Wise Advocate.

The negative feelings and emotions may still be there but accept them for what they are - false messages with no real meaning. Accept that these feelings are not who you truly are. Without this acceptance, you will be stuck in a futile and endless loop, trying to make the negative thoughts go away, rather than charting a new course for yourself.

Stay the course.

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