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Friday, December 6, 2019

How do you do things?

In the last post we talked about how you valued your relationships with other beings. You had the choices of belonging, intimacy and acceptance. Your task was to narrow it down to only one value, the one that fits you the best. If you are just beginning this post, please scroll down to the beginning. So far we have covered two major values: Way of Being and Relationships.

Doing is the last of the major values.  As in the first two major values the value of doing also has three minor values from which you must discover the one that best fits you. 

When you examine yourself through self observation and self-remembering you need to discover how your energy flows. You will see what I mean as we get into your three choices.

Control.  If you value control it doesn't necessarily mean that you are a controlling person, it means that you like staying on top of things. You like to keep things neat and orderly, make lists and generally just want to know where everything is. You like symmetry and clarity. Doing things thoroughly and mastering them is important to you - even if it takes longer to do. Quality is better than quantity for you. It is not how much you do but how you do it. You may or may not like doing many things at the same time but when you do, you do them very well.   

Competence.  If you don't value control maybe you like being able to do many things well, but not necessarily perfectly. If so, then you might value being competent. For example, you may learn how to play the guitar but once you are able to play it well enough to your satisfaction you feel there is no need to go any further. Striving to be the best is not for you, and neither is conquering something and then making a big deal out of it. Competence means being confident about what you can do. If the plumbing breaks down you can repair it. If there is an electrical problem you can deal with it, and so on. Competent people like to feel as though they are people of many talents but not necessarily masters.

Achieving. If the first two (control & competence) don't seem to be who you are then you are probably an achiever. You set a goal and work at achieving that goal step by step. You like building success one small goal at a time. You may have plaques on your wall that display your conquests toward those goals. You like to take things to the next level. There is no end point for you. Achievement follows achievement.

Achievers usually become specialists in whatever they do. They have a goal and take the necessary steps to get there. Achievers may become doctors, lawyers, hairdressers, computer programmers, airline pilots, BMW auto mechanics, and so on.

So, where do you see yourself when it comes to doing? You may have had no problem discovering your way of doing but if you did sit back and take your time. Look at the way you do things. Look back at how you did things over the years. It will come to over time.

Now you should have three values when it comes to your way of being, your relationships and the way you do things. These three values basically represent the way you go about living your life. Another way of putting it is they are an explanation of the way you do things you do. Remember, this is neither good nor bad; it's simply a reflection of values that you deem important to you. The bottom line is, whatever you are is perfect. 

In the next post we will get into the final round, that of feelings. You will continue to examine yourself, but from a slightly different angle. You are going to focus on the feelings area of your being and get a better look at who you are. You will look at how you approach pleasure, comfort, and fear. After that you will have six complete values that depict your self. And then from that you will develop your own personal mandala - your self.  

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