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Saturday, December 21, 2019

How do you seek Comfort?

Comfort is the freedom from hardship; mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. It is tranquility, serenity, contentment and well-being of the entire energy system.

The type of comfort a person seeks depends on many things  It may be due to nature, it may be due to nurture or it may be both. It is practically impossible to get a handle on the why in this case. One thing for sure though, everyone seeks all three types of comfort: peace of mind, security and relaxation. However, not everyone seeks all three with equal intensity. One type usually stands above the other two. Which one is it for you?

Peace of mind has to do with being mentally comfortable. People who seek peace of mind are looking for the absence of mental stress and anxiety. They want the presence of serenity, calmness, quietness and inner peace

Peace of mind comes when the mind is quiet, comfortable and focused, undisturbed and free from distractions. Life is not stressful. Thoughts are collected or emptied out. Quiet and calm thoughts are necessary for peace of mind.

People may seek peace of mind through meditation, reading a book, watching TV, being with a loved one, lying on the beach listening to the waves roll in, listening to soothing music, taking a vacation to some peaceful venue away from the hustle and bustle of city life.

Seeking peace of mind may be taken to extreme. Extremism is a judgment call and what seems extreme to one person may not be extreme to another.  You can be the judge. 

There is a fellow I know who makes every effort to never be caught in a group setting. He has arranged his life around avoiding more than four people at a time. To those who know him say he is a recluse. He lives alone but will invite people over to his house as long as there are no more than four people and the visit doesn't last longer than one hour. He doesn't belong to any club, doesn't go to church or attend parties and refuses to go anywhere there might be a large group. Some have labeled him antisocial and a social phobic. These are labels other people have placed on him. Whatever the case, this is the way he seeks peace of mind. There is no right or wrong 

In the next post we will discuss the other two types of comfort - security and being relaxed.  

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