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Thursday, December 19, 2019

Maybe You are into Aesthetics

In the last two posts we discussed novelty and stimulation as types of pleasure you might be into. The third, and last, type of pleasure is aesthetics

Those who seek aesthetics enjoy beholding things that are beautiful, such as works of art, music, a landscape, animals, other humans, etc. The thing you consider beautiful gives you a good feeling and you could behold it for a long time without becoming bored. You like beautiful things more than you like novelty or stimulation. 

The old saying that beauty is in the eye of the beholder is very true when it comes to the pleasure of aesthetics. Do you like Bach or Rapp, Picasso or Rembrandt, oceans or mountains, sunset or sunrise? None of these may appeal to you and that's okay, but as long as you seek pleasure in the form of what you consider beautiful, you are into aesthetics. 

What is your pleasure - novelty, stimulation or aesthetics?  If you don't know yet take your time to think about it. Remember things you have done that gave you the most pleasure in life. Where do they fit?  Do they fit into experiences that were novel, stimulating or beautiful?  Pick one and write it down because in the next post we will get into what you do to seek comfort.  

There are only two more values to go in order to form your own personal mandala that depicts your self - how and why you do the things you do. You will have total insight into you - the person you call "Me" and "I."  

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