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Saturday, November 2, 2019

Continuing on from last post - What is the Mind?

Scientists use objectivity and not subjectivity to analyze nature. That is why they use double-blind studies. Scientists look at nature (the object), form a question and then an hypothesis, do an experiment, collect data, and come to a conclusion.  Judges at a beauty pageant, on the other hand, don't use objectivity. Each judge forms his/her own evaluation on each contestant based on the judge's values of what constitutes beauty. If they were to use objectivity in the beauty contest they would, for example, take into account each contestant's height, weight, bust size, waist and hip measurements, number of skin blemishes and so on. 

Usually in objective evaluations precise measurements are required. In both objective and subjective evaluations there has to be an object. If there is no object it is almost impossible to have any type of evaluation. The mind is an object in that it can be emotionally felt and seen as thoughts. When a person says that he is having a hard time making up his mind, what does he mean? Is he stupid for saying that about something that can't be seen or measured?  No.  He says it because the mind does exist. When a person says that he cannot wrap his mind around the idea of infinity is he out of his mind?  No.  He actually can't wrap his mind around the idea.

So, how do we separate ourselves from the mind and view it as an object?  That is the subject of my next post. 

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