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Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Deeper into Energy

To tell the truth I didn't know where this post was going when I started it. After the last post and meditating on it for some time, I've come to the conclusion that energy is not a single thing but a multitude of things; electrons, quarks, photons, feelings, vibrations, emotions, thoughts and so on. Looking at all the things that various people say about energy it looks like energy is what makes up the universe or is actually the universe.  

It is like trying to answer the questions - What is God? What happens when we die?  What is infinity? What is the mind? Energy is much greater than our ability to figure out what it is by trying to use the thinking process. Something small cannot understand something larger.  That is why the intellect can never understand what energy is exactly. It is just too large for the mind to understand.

All we can do is relax and enjoy it. 

I'm looking forward to the next blog post.  I wonder what it will be about.  Hmmmm.

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