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Sunday, November 3, 2019

View the Mind as an Object

The mind is what divides humans into different "I's" which are not connected with one another and they usually never meet.  One "I" knows one thing, another "I" knows something else, a third "I" yet another, and so on. Since they never meet, their knowledge cannot be brought together into any kind of meaningful way. This is the normal state of the average human.

I am a teacher for awhile, a student, a father, a husband, a friend, a painter and so on. I play different parts depending on the situation. When I am not playing any part, who am I? All of the "I's" that I play in everyday life disappear and then I become no one in particular. I become just me.

When you are just you, you may feel bored, irritated, tired or maybe even a little confused. This is the perfect time to become a scientist and view the mind. When you are playing parts you don't have time to be a scientist of the mind. Prepare yourself; take a warm bath, put on some comfortable clothes and relax. 

Sit in a comfortable chair and close your eyes. Breathe slowly in and out and allow your mind to wander and do whatever it wants to do. Don't try to control it, just let it do whatever it wants to do and simply observe it as though you are disconnected from the thoughts.

More to follow on the next post.

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