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Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Observing yourself subjectively

To observe yourself subjectively means to notice, inquire and get in touch with the way your are - to understand why you do what you do - how you see yourself as a human being. This does not mean the way you want to be, imagine yourself to be or should be but rather, who you are in reality. Not many people can do this nor even want to.

To truly know yourself takes looking deep inside and understanding emotions, feelings, beliefs and thoughts. And in order to do that you have to learn how to impartially observe yourself. The process and practice of getting to know your self through self observation is the beginning of self transformation.

To self observe means to get in touch with how you react to different kinds of situations in everyday life. You know how you have reacted to certain situations in the past. When someone asked for help, did you try to help them or did you avoid them? Do you like to attend large gatherings or not? Do you like to be looked at? When someone on a side road wants to get in line in front of your car do you nudge forward or do you let them in? Do you feel annoyed when a baby cries or do you feel as if you should find out what is wrong with the baby? These are everyday occurrences which we all react to one way or another. The way you react can tell you a lot about yourself. Deep down inside we all know our feelings; most of us just haven't taken the time to look closely.

Next - How to observe the self.

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