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Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Cosmic Consciousness

In my way of thinking, imagination is a good thing.  You don't have to agree, but stay with me for a little bit and let me show you the power of imagination.

Try using your imagination to view the vast universe in which you live as being not only outside your body but inside it as well. The ability to do this is called cosmic consciousness. Begin by focusing on the back of your hand and imagine one skin cell. Inside the skin cell is liquid plasma and a membrane-bound nucleus. Are you still with me?  Okay, let's go a little further.

Go inside the nucleus and there lay rope-like chromosomes; within the chromosomes are molecules of DNA that look like strands of coiled beads. Take one of those beads and imagine going inside it. Inside the bead are atoms that resemble miniature solar systems. You can see a nucleus with electrons orbiting around the nucleus. Inside the nucleus are protons and neutrons. Focus deeply on one neutron and go deep into it. See that it is made up of even smaller particles and they in turn are made up even smaller particles and on and on into smaller and smaller particles continuing indefinitely, never ending, smaller and smaller.

Wow!  That's what the imagination can do.  It is fantastic!  Let's keep going on and see where this ends.

Come back and look at your hand for a while. Now, look around the room and then look out a window or go outside and look up at the sky. Imagine going beyond the moon and sun, out into space and beyond the stars. Keep going beyond the stars into black empty space one hundred billion light years away - on and on. 

Continue going further and further out into the universe.  There is no end. The universe is infinite just like going down deeper and deeper into smallness of your hand.

We will continue with this magnificent imagination on the next post.


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